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Dr. Antony is NOT accepting students for Fall 2023 admission in Toronto Metropolitan University’s Clinical Psychology Program. However, if you are interested in applying to work with other faculty members, the application deadline will be in early December 2022). More information about applying…

If you are interested in applying for external agencies (e.g., CIHR, SSHRC) to fund a postdoctoral fellowship in the Anxiety Research and Treatment Lab, please send a cover letter and CV to Dr. Martin Antony ( to explore the possibilities.

Dr. Antony will be reviewing applications for an honours thesis student for 2023-2024. If interested, please contact Dr. Antony by e-mail ( For more information on Ryerson’s Undergraduate Thesis Stream…

Sorry, we have no paid research assistant positions in the lab at this time.

Volunteer research assistant positions become available in the lab from time to time. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer research assistant in our lab, please send a brief cover letter, your CV and an unofficial transcript to Dr.…

Research Studies Problem Gaming Study:  We are currently studying psychological differences between MMORPG players who experience problems as a result of gaming and MMORPG players who spend significant amounts of time playing video games with little to no consequence. If you…